Data, Reports, and Deliverables for the SLAMM Analysis of Southeast Louisiana 2013


DELIVERABLE 1:  Addition of improved elevation and flood-protection datasets to facilitate dry-land conversion dynamics

(Levee and Elevation raster files have elevations in meters, Slope file is in degrees. All layers projection is: NAD_83 LA State Plane South FIPS: 1702)


Original  digital elevation model (DEM) with 2010 USACE LA and MS, 2010 USGS Atchafalaya, and 2011 ARRA Region 1 and Region 2 LiDAR data obtained from the NOAA Digital Coast database.

New Levee Data

New Levee data layer represents the locations and heights of the levees in the study area based on the following data sources


DELIVERABLE 2:  Draft model application report

DELIVERABLE 3:  Final Model application report (pdf)

DELIVERABLE 3:  Final Model application report (word document -- sharper maps)